Monday, October 6, 2014

11 Apple- Composition Techniques

 Photographic Emphasis Techniques
Explore composition and visual story telling in Photography. Identify effective compositional techniques used to tell a visual story. Find the following emphasis techniques and define in your journal:
  1. Leading Lines
  2. Repetition
  3. Rule of Thirds
  4. Contrast
  5. Framing

Then take an apple and photograph it. Create compositions using the above techniques to emphasize. 

Project Outline:
Photograph a simple subject with a variety of backgrounds, angles, lighting and distances while concentrating on storytelling through composition techniques: contrast, framing, leading lines, repetition, rule of thirds.

Apple- a simple subject packed with potential symbolism and cultural connotations. You are to take your apple and your camera everywhere. Explore a variety of backgrounds and experiment with different emphasis composition techniques to construct and design frames to organize your apple.

What to do……………………………………………………
Take 35-40 digital photos of your apple in a variety of scenarios. Make a contact sheet. Then post/paste your top 5 images working prints to your blog/journal; there will be questions to respond to Print one 5 x 7 of your best. We will have a critique on the due date…

Contact Sheet
Each print will be out of 4 marks, part marks will be awarded for the following:
·   Composition with clear use of emphasis technique.
·   Technical exposure/focus.
·   Originality storytelling. Creative
·   Professional presentation images are labelled and saved to the share file.
Found example of emphasis technique              5
Digital Contact Sheets are out of                        5
5 images posted to blog/journal     4 each=     20
Questions/Critique                                             10
Final 5 x 7 Print                                                     5
Total                                                        45

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