Monday, September 24, 2012

Double Exposure Collaboration Project

Check out what we did last time. The LFAS Anonymous Phototgraphy Collaboration Project
 Cool idea, not double exposure, but interesting Anonymous Photography Project.

For the Double Exposure Collaboration Project, you are going to photograph on one roll of 36 exposure black and white film, then put the film in an envelope and pull out some one else's roll and shoot on that one so it will be double exposed.

In class we decided on specific themes to photograph. Start with simple lines, and textures.  Everyone should start by finding visual ideas for each shoot. The new students were shown how to load and use the SLR cameras, but some will need some help to get started.

Finish roll one and put your film in the envelope. Try to leave the tab out when you rewind the film.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Creating a Contact Sheet

We are going to learn how to use Adobe Bridge to select, rename and organize your photos into a contact sheet. Bridge has many functions such as batch rename and other utilities to help with organization, and supports editing of digital images in Camera Raw format. Organizational features include assigning colored labels or star ratings to images. And can recognize a variety of file types. Here is a tutorial to clarify: you only need to watch the first 2:20 mins. Don't change the spacing and keep "file name" turned on.
  1. Open Adobe Bridge
  2. Open the file that holds your Emphasis/Rules photo.
  3. Right click RENAME the photos by the emphasis technique you used.
  4. CTRL click on the photos using the same emphasis technique
  5. Select "OUTPUT" under the top tool bar.
  7. Go to the Output window on the right of your screen (sometimes it will take a minute to appear).
  8. Select PDF instead of WEB GALLERY.
  9. Under the TEMPLATE option, select CONTACT SHEET (4*5=20 photos or 5*7=35 photos)
  10. Scroll to the very bottom of the Output window to where it says SAVE.
  11. Before you press save, check the "VIEW PDF AFTER SAVE"
  12. Once the PDF opens, FILE>SAVE AS>
  13. Type the assignment name i.e "My LFAS2 Contact Sheet" or "Emphasis Contact".
  14. SAVE AS TYPE: Select "JPG"
  15. Make sure you select where you are going to save it to.
  16. Then press SAVE.
  17. Post to your blog as you would post an image.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Signing in to the LFAS computer Network

We are going to sign in to the LFAS computer network.
Your login is your BCESIS# (student # on timetable). ie. 1234567
Your password is the 1st 2 letters of your 1st name (lower cased) ie. do (for donna)
                         plus the 1st 4 numbers of your BCESIS # ie. 1234
                         and 2 dollar signs ie. $$
the whole thing will look like this:
LOGIN: 1234567
PASWORD: do1234$$

To change your password you must vist the school district web site:
sign in with your current login and password, then
OLD PASSWORD: ******** (leave this alone)
NEW PASSWORD: must be at least 8 characters with 3 different types of characters ie. ddDD33##, but don't use backslashes or forward slashes//\\.
CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD: type in your new password again.