Thursday, December 11, 2014

11 Levitation

Defy gravity and fly with this assignment!!!
Levitation photography challenges photographers in several areas:
Planning, positioning, background, posing, props, lighting, editing.
Create portraits that defy gravity

Several things that you MUST consider in your image creation:
  • Consider the environment/location/composition.
  • Consider your model, what are they wearing, will it hang or flutter when flying.
  • What small things can you do to make the image appear more realistic? What can support it?
  • Keep your camera in one place- Use a tripod.
  • Always take a clean shot of the background so you have something for reference during editing.
  • Shoot the same day with the identical lighting. Close to the first photo, so shoot quickly so the lighting will be the same in each composite image.
  • Shoot all the pieces that you will need in the location.
  • Think ahead of the items that will be removed.
Get help if you need it. You may need an assistant too.
Plan- Before you head out, sketch out your idea, list your model, your location, props, chair etc. anything you need. Write on paper, or in your journal.
Shoot- several frames of the background and your model and props.
Make- A contact sheet include your backgrounds, model, props (before the edit).
Edit- Create 3 composite images in Photoshop using either the same image with different positioning or props, or different images altogether, it is up to you.

Sites to help you develop ideas:
Invisible Bicycles
Dreaming of Flying
A Case of Levitation This one has an era and a story.
This Levitation Tutorial is really good to get you started on a theme.

Images and Contact Sheet Due: Monday, January 5th 2015.
3 Levitation Composite Images Due: Monday, January 12th 2015.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

11 Photoshop Tutorials

Converting Daylight Images into Evening Light
Day to Night Tutorial- This one is pretty good.
Day 2 Night- They are using a different version of Photoshop, but check further on for the lighting techniques.
Day 2 Night- they do it a bit differently, but worth a look.

Converting Digital Photos into BW
Digital BW Tutorial
BW Advanced

Spot Colour
Selective Colour on BW Photo
Selective Colour Tutorial- a different way to selective colour

Portrait Touch-up
Portrait Touch-up Tutorial

Due Monday, Dec. 8th

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12- 5 Points about 5 Photographers

Research 5 (or more) Photographers.
Find your top 5 five favourite photographers. Write 5 important points about each photographer, include their name, an image, and website(s) where you can find information about them.
Post your findings to your blog.
Due Friday, Dec 5th

Monday, December 1, 2014

12 Contemporary Photographer

  1. Research several using the internet. Find your top 5 five favourite. Write 5 important points about each and put in your journal with an image for each and narrow it down to one.
  2. Select a photographer who is currently living and working in the medium. Find a photographer who you are interested in. This is likely the most challenging and important of the steps; find a photographer that inspires you. 
  3. Email your photographer, let them know that you are interested in their work and you are doing a project for school based on their work. Ask them for some information. Print out your email to them and their response.
  4. Write an article about the photographer's life, the medium, photo style and offer an opinion reflection and commentary of their work in 500 to 750 words. Include a bibliography.
  5. Share your contemporary photographer with the class any way you want. You are to articulate information from your article to the class verbally, and visually.
  6. Photograph in their style, create a contact sheet and five 5 x 7 prints and one 8 x 10 print.
To select your photographer, do a Google search based on the qualities you admire in people ie. "courageous photographers" or "photographers who inspire change", or style medium: landscape, fashion, still life.... Let's see what you come up with.

When you find your photographer, make sure there is some information about them even a resume can be helpful, but it will help to get more. And you will need to find at least five photos of their style. Send them an email to ask questions that you are curious about their work, process, style, choices, method etc.

Here are some links to help you search photographers,
International Center of Photography - In New York. Visit the "Museum" Current and Past Exhibitions. Maybe go to NY sometime and visit this place. Cool!
Photography Now- Visual list of contemporary photographers.
Yahoo Photo Masters- index of photographers, but these are mostly old ones.
Museum of Contemporary Photography- look up collections and also browse by artist. (I love Colleen Plumb.)
Magnum Photo