Monday, September 10, 2012

Signing in to the LFAS computer Network

We are going to sign in to the LFAS computer network.
Your login is your BCESIS# (student # on timetable). ie. 1234567
Your password is the 1st 2 letters of your 1st name (lower cased) ie. do (for donna)
                         plus the 1st 4 numbers of your BCESIS # ie. 1234
                         and 2 dollar signs ie. $$
the whole thing will look like this:
LOGIN: 1234567
PASWORD: do1234$$

To change your password you must vist the school district web site:
sign in with your current login and password, then
OLD PASSWORD: ******** (leave this alone)
NEW PASSWORD: must be at least 8 characters with 3 different types of characters ie. ddDD33##, but don't use backslashes or forward slashes//\\.
CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD: type in your new password again.

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