Thursday, February 2, 2012

Abstract Self-Portrait/Studio Still-Life

This is a 2 part project. First we are going to learn about lighting objects in the studio. Then you are going to use the different lighting effects to creatively and stylistically light objects that represent something about you.

Studio Still Life
You are to create three studio still life compositions using metal, glass and textured objects. Compose a series of photos for each object; include backgrounds, a table and covering, and use one or two lights. Here is the Still Life Project Criteria

Abstract Self-Portrait
Create 5 interesting, creative, and eye catching images that represent something about you. This is sort of a photo essay of yourself except the images are going to be abstract photographs of objects that represent aspects about you. When you abstract things photographically, you don’t have to make it completely unrecognizable; though you should choose an attribute of that object and really explore it through the lens. Your compositions challenge the viewer to notice basic essence of objects.

Look for elements of design (shape and colour) and use the principles of design to help you compose the items that you choose to represent you.
Abstract Self-Portrait Criteria

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