Monday, January 31, 2011

1/2 Year in Review

Select your favourite photo from this year so far.
  • Why is this your favourite?
  • Where is it from- does it have sentimental meaning for your- Explain.
  • What would you title it?
Review of the year so far
  • What is your favourite assignment- Why
  • What is your least favourite assignment- Why?
  • If you could, what would you change with the Photography Elective course?
  • What photography style, technique, camera, film etc. do you want to try?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

12s Journal Term 2

12s Journal
(Random Roll Contact Sheets 25-35 images based on a theme)
  1. Nov- Random Roll + best image in journal
  2. Dec- Random Roll + best image in journal
  3. Jan- Random Roll + best image in journal
  4. 5 Photographers Found Inspiration Images and 5 points about them
  5. Your best Photographer Image
  6. Aperture/Depth of Field Definitions
  7. 2010 Year in Photos and comments x 2
  8. Abstract Photography Examples
  9. 5 PhotoJournalists

11s Journal Term 2

Grade 11s Journal Check List
(Random Roll Contact Sheets 25-35 images based on a theme)
  1. Nov- Random Roll + best image in journal
  2. Dec- Random Roll + best image in journal
  3. Jan- Random Roll + best image in journal
  4. Painting with Light 5 Found Inspiration Images
  5. Painting with Light contact sheet and best print in journal
  6. Aperture Definitions
  7. Macro/Depth of Field 5 Found Inspiration Images
  8. Macro/Depth of Field contact sheet and best print in journal
  9. 2010 Year in Photos and comments x 2
  10. 5 Theatrical Studio Portait Ideas- Found Inspiration Images

Monday, January 3, 2011

This Year in Pictures

It is the beginning of a New Year. We're going to reflect on events that happened throughout 2010 that were where documented with photographs. We are going to take a look at the MSNBC photos of the year together as a class.

View the photos from either site (or both sites)

Here's what you do:
  1. Select your favourite "news" photo from 2010.
  2. Print or upload to journal/blog.
  3. Comment why it is your favourite.
  4. Explain what the event is.
  5. How does the image document the event? How does the image tell the story?
  6. Identify the subject?
  7. What emphasizes the subject and how does it emphasize it? Leading lines, repetition, rule of thirds, contrast, framing?
  1. Select your favourite NewYear's Photo.
  2. Print or upload to journal/blog.
  3. Comment why it is your favourite.
  4. Explain what the event is.
  5. How does the image document the event? How does the image tell the story?
  6. Identify the subject?
  7. What emphasizes the subject? Leading lines, repetition, rule of thirds, contrast, framing?