Monday, March 29, 2010


Plan out your book. Figure out your focus. Define your theme in a thesis statement. organize your ideas frame by frame. Describe, draw out each frame to clearly communicate your intention and how you are going to capture your theme in a series of frames. Consider the composition, backgrounds, lighting, framing, angles, camera techniques to best explore your topic. Your book will consist of a cover and eight pages that all relate to the theme. Each image will have compositional integridy to stand on it's own and relate to the series as well.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Depth of Field

Camera Lens/ Aperture
The word aperture refers to how large the opening of your lens is.

Aperture is defined by f/stops.

The smaller the f/stop number, the larger the opening ( like an f/2.8).

Depth of Field
Is the amount of the image that is in focus.

3 Things that control Depth of Field
1. The Aperture. The larger the opening, the more light can get in, and the more blurry the background.
2. The size of the lens. Shorter the lens, the more that will be in focus.
3. Distance to subject. The closer to the subject, the less amount in focus.

Try setting your camera to Aperture priority mode (it’s usually indicated by a capital “A” or an “Av.” Now, set the f/stop to the lowest number that your lens can go. Then set it to a middle aperture number. Then to the highest it will go...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Consider a theme for your book/concentration project. Brainstorm topics and develop your ideas look for photo examples for inspiration. Print at least one contact sheet of 25 to 35 images. Your book should be at least 8 images with a cover (concentration=12 images). You are to assemble your series