Sunday, November 16, 2014

12 Studio Still Life Project

This is a mostly a technical assignment, but you need to factor in some visual design principles and composition too. The objective is for you learn about lighting a variety of surfaces in the studio. You need to follow specific lighting procedures and pay close attention to technical considerations: depth of field, white balance and exposure.  Compose an aesthetically pleasing and creative composition. Use the standard lighting styles to effectively light glass, metal, textured objects.

Create three different studio still life compositions incorporating the assigned lighting techniques for each metal, glass and texture. Compose a setup for each: include backgrounds, a table and covering, and use one or two lights. Here is the Still Life Project Criteria

Find studio photograph examples of each technique: metal, glass, texture and post them to your blog.
Set-up and photograph your items.
Create a contact sheet.
Post three 5 x 7 prints [one+ of each] on your blog/journal and save to the share file for a critique.
Due November 24th

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